Posted by: Mermaid | April 6, 2008

After Midnight Thoughts

It is almost 1 AM… just finished watching “Mona Lisa Smile” movie staring Julia Roberts; absolutely one of my favorite actresses. Her performance is exceptional as always. It was my first time to watch this inspiring movie that presents the 50s’ showing how women, men, education, dogmas and progressive thinking were viewed. The most important theme of the movie is “change”… those who help up us change, our willingness to consider new routes and methods, our ability to question our traditions. The movie is a very good food for thought.


Now I am listening to Fayrouz singing “سكن الليل”… first time again! There is a LOT of Fayrouz that I am yet to explore…


لا تخافي يا فتاتي … فالنجوم تكتم الأخبار


I guess now I know why I am so much in love with stars :)


I look at the picture I painted (with all due apology to all painters!) representing myself in winter. Shades of grey for the clouds… I do not like straight colors, but rather shades of one colour where they melt into one colorful maze. Then the girl in the picture is with short legs (I’m of medium height). Maybe they represent the short steps I take… but towards what exactly?! Then comes the long raised arms welcoming the rains… they are wide enough to embrace anything… yet they are straight arms. Can they keep what they embrace?! Can they curve and hold?! Who knows…



  1. Mayada,

    Can I think loudly with you?
    You say:
    1-theme of the movie is “change”… those who help up us change, our willingness to consider new routes and methods, our ability to question our traditions
    2-The movie is a very good food for thought.
    3-I guess now I know why I am so much in love with stars
    4-I do not like straight colors, but rather shades of one colour where they melt into one colorful maze
    5-short legs …………….they represent the short steps I take … but towards what exactly?!
    6-the long raised arms welcoming the rains… they are wide enough to embrace anything… yet they are straight arms. Can they keep what they embrace?! Can they curve and hold?! Who knows…
    7-… من صندوق الدنيا اللي جوا
    8-دلوقتي باحاول أتقبل (بس مش شرط أوافق) على وجود حاجات بيضا في وسط حاجات سودا والعكس. أتمنى إني أقدر إن صدري وعقلي يكونوا أرحب.
    9-غريبة حنيني للبرد … ولا هو حنين للدفا؟
    10-ملاحظة: أنا حاطة الصورتين دول عشان أثبت حاجة واحدة بس … إني مابعرفش أرسم :)
    And I wonder:
    -Sometimes a change requires a sacrifice, so the most important to consider, are we ready to that sacrificing, and does it deserve?
    -Movies are sometimes good for thought and feelings.
    -All of us love the stars, but not all of us love the nearest star, the sun.
    -Shades are not always reflections of soul, they may be what our eyes ARE accustomed to see
    -You think and think, yet I feel your short steps are not in rhythm with your thoughts
    -One of the surprising meanings of “stiff” to me to know is : not easily heeled over by an external force (as the wind) upon a stiff ship
    -Do you know the story of Pandora’s box which was greater than anything else? In Greek mythology, Pandora was the first woman on earth. Zeus ordered Hephaestus, the god of craftsmanship, to create her and he did, using water and earth. The gods endowed her with many talents; Aphrodite gave her beauty, Apollo music, Hermes persuasion, and so forth. Hence her name: Pandora, “all-gifted”. When Prometheus stole fire from heaven, Zeus took vengeance by presenting Pandora to Epimetheus, Prometheus’ brother. With her, Pandora had a jar which she was not to open under any circumstance. Impelled by her natural curiosity, Pandora opened the jar, and all evil contained escaped and spread over the earth. She hastened to close the lid, but the whole contents of the jar had escaped, except for one thing which lay at the bottom, and that was Hope.
    -For 8 – 9 … Timing is Everything
    -Drawing lines that CAN see the light are much better and well-appreciated than those kept in the dark


  2. Ya Bahaa :)

    Let me comment on a few of your points:

    – The nearest star can be burning! The farthest star can be beautiful and delightful!
    – Yes, unfortunately, my steps cannot keep up with my thoughts!
    – I liked awy your different definition of “stiff” :) I always enjoy seeing things differently and unconventionally :)
    – First time to know the Pandora box story… 7elwa awy :))

    Bass kedah :) Thanks for the always wonderful thoughts :)

  3. Dear Mayada,

    actually, i was afraid you get angry of my thoughts, but they turn, amazingly – to me-, to be (delightful) to you.
    then, i know you have got my points very clearly,
    I love the stars so much myself and I’d love to know more and more about them as i love astronomy .. it would be strange for you to know that a star whose light enjoys us .. may be ceased to exist or at least drifted from its position away (that’s why Allah has sworn by the positions of stars).
    i mean .. you need a vacation on a daytime to run under the sun till you sweat so hard and get sun-burnt.

    would you keep the secret? .. my previous thoughts were never meant to be said at all .. i just copied your words and looked up at them .. then suddenly i found my fingers writing about many things going with or against your thoughts including Pandora (copied words from .. it seems that I’m needing the torch to light my fire everytime i write .. thank you for the torch .. and i’m sorry for being frank and (stiff)

  4. I never get angry with thoughts as long as they fall within the common sense and decency circle… and yours do :)

    I am not a big fan of the sun… my happiest days are when it is hidden beyond large, grey clouds! Stars are more tranquil and subtle… not as daring and hurting like the sun!

    Thank “you”! :)

  5. Favorite quotes from Mona Lisa smile:

    “Not all who wander are aimless”..

    “-My parents say my future is right on the horizon.
    -Tell them the horizon is an imaginary line that recedes as you approach it”

  6. “Not all who wander are aimless” :)) Love it… :)

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